Technology Support
As our society becomes more technology-focused, older adults often get left behind and become disproportionately isolated. CHPV offers a variety of services to help people connect to simple, safe, and easy-to-use technology so that they can connect with others.
When COVID-19 closed down everything, CHPV quickly pivoted and began offering programming via Zoom and opened up these programs to anyone. We provide detailed instructions and tips on how to use Zoom. For those requiring more individualized support, one-on-one assistance can be scheduled by calling or emailing the CHPV office.
Tech Café
UChicago Tech Savvy Friends your burning tech questions. Learn more about this program on our Programs page.
Eligibility: Anyone
During the pandemic's period of physical distancing, CHPV tested several devices to find the best technology solutions for older adults. CHPV considered GrandPad the easiest device for people with no previous computer knowledge to set up and use independently. GrandPad works on a closed network which increases security and makes communication with friends and family fun and easy. Features on the device include a camera, the internet, integrated email, as well as curated games, music, radio stations, and much more. CHPV has a GrandPad for members to test for one month for free.
Eligibility: All CHPV members