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Chicago Hyde Park Village

5500 S Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637



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Telephone Check-ins

This service helps older adults living independently to feel a sense of security knowing that someone is in touch with them on a weekly or even daily basis. Calls are made by trained and vetted volunteers. So if you are interested in volunteering and enjoy chatting on the phone, this would be a great match for you. 

Eligibility: Full & Access CHPV membership

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Nationally, access to transportation is the major concern of seniors. Not surprisingly, our most frequently requested services are requests for rides. Volunteer drivers pick up members and drive them to and from various destinations: e.g., grocery stores, doctor’s offices, the post office, Village meetings, and even social and educational events. We strongly recommend 3-5 business days' notice, and we cannot accommodate same day requests. 

*Many times there are informal situations where a member needs a ride and it may seem easiest to simply ask another member or volunteer directly, rather than submitting a service request through the Chicago Hyde Park Village office. Please note that the Chicago Hyde Park Village is not responsible for any damage/injury occurring during a ride that a member has personally arranged without Chicago Hyde Park Village authorization.

Eligibility: Full & Access CHPV membership

To CHPV events: All CHPV members

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Village Visitor

This service connects older adults to caring volunteers in the community who share activities that can build friendships. These weekly visits generally begin at the residence of the older adult and then can transition to other locations based on the interests of the participants. Activities range from a conversation over tea or coffee, a walk to the park or lake, or help dealing with bureaucratic processes. For individuals with vision issues, the volunteers can read a book or magazine article aloud or assist the older adult reading his/her email or snail mail letters. A partnership with the SHARE Network at the University of Chicago enables us to provide this service to any interested older adult in the neighborhood. 


Eligibility: Anyone

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Resource Referrals

As adults age, they often have unique challenges related to aging and benefit from referrals about services, supports, and community resources. In many cases, family members of friends of older adults are the one who reach out to CHPV to get recommendations about services or products or to get referrals for a specific service provider. Commonly requested resources include home care, home modifications, rehabilitation centers, hospices, insurance information, will and more. For referrals, please visit the CHPV Referral Database (you must first login for this link to work).

Eligibility: All CHPV members (on-demand on CHPV website, via phone & email) & Anyone via phone & email


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Technology Support

As our society becomes more technology-focused, older adults often get left behind and become disproportionately isolated. CHPV offers a variety of services to help people connect to simple, safe, and easy-to-use technology so that they can connect with others.


When COVID-19 closed down everything, CHPV quickly pivoted and began offering programming via Zoom and opened up these programs to anyone. We provide detailed instructions and tips on how to use Zoom. For those requiring more individualized support, one-on-one assistance can be scheduled by calling or emailing the CHPV office.

Tech Café
UChicago Tech Savvy Friends your burning tech questions. Learn more about this program on our Programs page.

Eligibility: Anyone

During the pandemic's period of physical distancing, CHPV tested several devices to find the best technology solutions for older adults. CHPV considered GrandPad the easiest device for people with no previous computer knowledge to set up and use independently. GrandPad works on a closed network which increases security and makes communication with friends and family fun and easy. Features on the device include a camera, the internet, integrated email, as well as curated games, music, radio stations, and much more. CHPV has a GrandPad for members to test for one month for free.


Eligibility: All CHPV members

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Medical Companion

Trained volunteers, some of whom are retired medical professionals, assist members in navigating the complexities of the healthcare system. They can:

  • Help formulate questions to present during the medical appointment
  • Assist with filling out forms
  • Take notes during a visit to the doctor
  • Stay with a member for a short time after an outpatient surgery

All information is kept strictly confidential to protect the privacy of the member and all notes taken belong to the member. Medical Companion volunteers do not give medical advice.

Eligibility: Full & Access CHPV membership