Become a Member!
Discover the many benefits of membership and support the mission of CHPV!
Chicago Hyde Park Village is a membership based organization: a caring community of neighbors with activities and access to services dedicated to helping members stay in their homes as they age. As a member, you can enjoy the freedom of living independently with help from the Village to maintain your social connections, activities, and support services so important to health and wellbeing.
Neighborhood volunteers can assist you with transportation, reassuring check-ins, savvy computer help, and reliable, vetted services.
Browse our Services and Programs and download a PDF of our trifold brochure to learn more about the benefits of CHPV membership.
All fees listed below are annual. Please speak with us if providing full payment all at once presents a financial hardship.
Full Household $610
Full Individual $500
Associate Household $205
Associate Individual $125
Access Membership $100 (Available to individuals qualifying for the Illinois Benefit Access Program. Download the Access Membership Flyer for more information. Please contact us at 773-363-1933 or with your questions and to apply.)
Full & Access Members are able to request services such as transportation to medical appointments or errands. Drivers are CHPV volunteers. Consult the following chart to determine which membership type is right for you!

Select a button below to download and print the appropriate membership application.
If you prefer, you can request an application to be mailed or emailed to you by contacting us at 773-363-1933 or
Return completed applications with membership fee to:
Chicago Hyde Park Village
5500 S. Woodlawn
Chicago, IL 60637