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HomeEventsZoom Drop-In — The Dragon from Chicago with Author Pam Toler

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Zoom Drop-In — The Dragon from Chicago with Author Pam Toler

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The Dragon from Chicago with Author Pam Toler

Dragon from Chicago by Pam Toler
Wednesday, January 8
12–1pm Central Time via Zoom
Free; Registration Required

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CHPV member and author Pamela D. Toler joins us to discuss her newly published book The Dragon from Chicago: The Untold Story of an American Reporter in Nazi Germany.

For fans of unheralded women’s stories, The Dragon from Chicago provides a captivating look at Sigrid Schultz—one of the earliest reporters to warn Americans of the rising threat of the Nazi regime.

“No other American correspondent in Berlin knew so much of what was going on behind the scene as did Sigrid Schultz.” — William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

We are facing an alarming upsurge in the spread of misinformation and attempts by powerful figures to discredit facts so they can seize control of narratives. These are threats American journalist Sigrid Schultz knew all too well. The Chicago Tribune's Berlin bureau chief and primary foreign correspondent for Central Europe from 1925 to January 1941, Schultz witnessed Hitler’s rise to power and was one of the first reporters—male or female—to warn American readers of the growing dangers of Nazism.

In The Dragon From Chicago, Pamela D. Toler draws on extensive archival research to unearth the largely forgotten story of Schultz’s years spent courageously reporting the news from Berlin, from the revolts of 1919 through the Nazi rise to power and Allied air raids over Berlin in 1941. At a time when women reporters rarely wrote front-page stories and her male colleagues saw a powerful unmarried woman as a “freak,” Schultz pulled back the curtain on how the Nazis misreported the news to their own people, and how they attempted to control the foreign press through bribery and threats.

Sharp and enlightening, Schultz’s story provides a powerful example for how we can reclaim truth in an era marked by the spread of disinformation and claims of “fake news.”

More from the publisher, Penguin Random House.

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Date and Time

Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM


Chicago Hyde Park Village

Registration Info

Registration is required